How to know if it is a healthy ts dating?

As a transgender woman, I'm as imperfect as most people, but I never fell unhappy for who I am. When it comes to transgender dating, everyone has their own habit, and that is the difference of different people. However, how do you know these special habits are good or bad for to your relationship. One of my transgender frineds, she was living with her boyfriend, different habits was the biggest problem between them. No matter how much they love each other, the relationship is unstable due to different dating habits. In a healthy relationship, both sides are comfortable, and a healthy relationship will help you to reach your goal. There is a line between the imperfect and unhealthy relationship. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself if you don't know whther it is a healthy relationship.

1. Is it a safe relationship?

Is it safe to date your partner? Does the ts dating behavior put you at risks? If the dating behavior is a risk to anyone, then it is not a healthy relationship. If a relationship do not benefit to anyone, then it is time to move on to another relationship.

2. What your feeling about the dating behavior?

You should focus on your feelings about the shemale dating behavior and the way you get on with each other. If you feel threatened, in danger, or you cannot be yourself in the relationship, that is not a healthy relationship. Negative feeling may ruin a relationship, and it is often out of control. In a relationship, everyone needs to try their best and work hard for the relationship. A healthy relationship can never be controlled and maintained by only one person.

3. Can you be yourself and own your real feeling?

It is necessary to communicate with your partner on a regular basis. Prepare everything as well as you can, when something happens, you should know how to express your real feeling to your partner. Spending more time with you partner, only by this way can you communicate with you partner in a deep way. More importantly, you must be honest in a relationship, otherwise, the relationship will never serve for you.

4. How to stop the bad behavior?

It is important to know whether this habit is learned or an innate personality. If there is a bad habit in your relationship, spend more time to change the bad habit. If it is a super serious problem, more patience and love are needed. If it is something about personality or it is impassible to change, you need to make sure if it is acceptable for you. If the bad behavior never changes after your hard working, the relationship need to be ended.

5. Can you stand for a long time?

Can you live with the bad behavior, or can you put up with the bad behavior for a long time? It is simple for many people, but for people who are looking for perfect relationships, it is impassible to live and put up with bad behaviors. If you cannot accept the bad behavior, just end the relationship as soon as you can.